Je suis mon propre rêve (I am my own dream)2023, video, animation, HD 16:9, color, 14’06

Imma is 20 years old. Ambitious and determined, she strives to make the right choices to achieve her goals. Her social networks, and of course her image, are among the tools she uses. By writing her story, she seizes of the ability to be the author of her life. Her identity —sometimes fictional but always embraced—exists within frameworks of power that help her to appropriate her own power, including erotic power.

Je suis mon propre rêve I am my own dream »), is her portait.


Reading: Ariane Naziri et Juliette Wallez
With: Imma Villena
Lighting director: Maëlle Le Saux
Camera Assistant: Rémi Sourice
Travelling: Hugo Franconeri
Stylist: Aby Foster
Sound recording: Marie Falala
Figuration: Léon Remy

Exibition view: La chaire du monde, Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 2023
Photo:  Garance Debergue